Christian Carl Konrad Mohr and Emma Amelia Ankel
Christian Mohr was born June 1, 1846 at Dharmstadt Hessen, Schlitz Ne Louterback, Germany. He was the third of the six sons born to George and Katherine Heil Mohr. His parents were weavers an had three huge looms in their home.
In 1860 the family sold what possessions they could not take with them and readied themselves for the long ocean voyage to the United States. Christian was fourteen. He and his brothers John Phillip, Heinrick and Conrad would have a new brother, who would be born named George after their arrival in their new home.
The Mohr family settled on a farm near Sandwich, De Kalb County, Illinois. Christian's growing years were spent helping his father and brothers on the farm and attending school in the Winter months.
When he was twenty-one, Christian and his brother Phillip gathered together tools and provisions to start farming on their own. The trip to Victor, Iowa was made on the train as far as Cedar Rapids and the remainder by team. It was late fall and they were caught in a blizzard and were forced to leave their household goods at a nearby farm until the following Spring.
When Christian was twenty-five, he returned to Illinois to marry Emma Amalia Ankel, daughter of John Christian and Katherine Elizabeth Henry Ankel. They were married March 16, 1871 at Somanauk, Illinois. The couple began married life operating a hotel in Victor, Iowa. A few years later they began farming three miles East of town.
The Mohr family bible contains the names and birthdays of their children written in German script. Emma Christine, born May 3, 1872, Christian born January 11, 1874 - died March 1874, Philapina Katherina (Kathryn, called Kate by the family) born January 7, 1877, Mary born May 17, 1879, Clara born August 30, 1881, Fanny born April 22, 1884 - died February 9, 1885, Margaret born April 25, 1886, Phillip Heinrick born February 9, 1890 - this is crossed out with George Phillip written in above it, Rosa Dora born April 23, 1893, Lillie born October 3, 1896. This last entry is the only one not written in German script.
Emma Ankel passed away October 8, 1902. After a time Christian Mohr married a lady by the name of Brennaman. This marrage did not seam to be in the best interest of his children and a divorce was obtained. His daughter Clara, Married Richard Cordes, died August 1, 1906 at twenty-five years of age. On January 3, 1907, Christian married Mathilda Ludwig Richardt, born January 3, 1865, a widow from Sandwich, Illinois. This was a good marriage and they were together until the death of Mathilda January 17, 1938. She is buried on the Mohr family plot at Victor, Iowa.
Christian and his brothers remained close down through the years. Many evenings were spent together playing cards which every Mohr has always taken very seriously. They also liked to play jokes on each other and like so many German families, sociability was a way if life. Later generations always said "Victor Iowa is the center of the Universe".
Chris, as he was called by most, also ran a meat market in Victor, after hw retired from farming. He enjoyed hunting and the out of doors, continuing to be very active until he was near the age of ninety. He died August 29, 1940 at the age of ninety-four. He had lived a good long life attending St. James Lutheran Church where he was a charter member and having much interest in life around him. Many of his descendants are carrying on his name and his spirit of living.
Rosa Emma George Mag and Lilian:
Rosa Richard and Louis: